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Let Us Guide You Through Any Market.


Cboe Australia is the innovative securities exchange committed to transforming, improving and growing Australian investment markets by providing brokers and investors with the most efficient and cost-effective access to local and global investment opportunities.

This focus has seen the alternative trading platform for Australian listed securities grow strongly from its launch in October 2011 to have achieved over 21.2% market share in cash equities, as of January 2024.

Cboe Australia is powered by Cboe’s global exchange matching engine technology and has the performance and capacity to manage both current and projected future capital markets trading volumes for the entire Australian equities marketplace.

From one Cboe network connection, customers can access:

  • Liquidity in more than 3,000+ Equities, Funds & Warrants;
  • A diverse set of execution mechanisms designed to meet particular execution needs for speed, size and price improvement;
  • Competitively priced Australian equities market data;
  • Efficient, cost-effective Australian trade reporting services;
  • Unrivalled support, including sophisticated real-time monitoring of latency, trading activity, network connectivity and risk management.

A Focus on Liquidity and Trust

Deep Liquid Markets

With our global network of exchanges, our deep, liquid markets provide customers with the liquidity needed to execute their trading strategies efficiently and effectively. Our markets are global leaders in order execution quality. Additionally, each of our markets has a diverse membership base, creating a unique ecosystem, which is essential to maintaining a healthy, quality marketplace.

Robust Supervision

Cboe Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) and we adhere to extensive regulation to operate a fair, orderly, and transparent market.

Great Technology Backed by Great People

Today’s markets are fully electronic, but it’s the people behind the technology that truly matter. Our people, with a strong focus on our customers, have set Cboe apart from the competition. Our markets have a history of being some of the most resilient and reliable in the global exchange industry. We’ve built our reputation on building world-class technology that delivers results and a team that provides best-in-class customer service.
