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Issuer Guide to Listing on Cboe Europe Equities

Our successful pan-European platform is available to issuers of all sizes delivering efficiencies and improvements not found at other exchanges.

Please review our Rule Book and Listing Fees. Once you have decided to list on Cboe Europe Equities (Cboe) please complete the three steps below.

Should you have any queries, please contact the listings team to discuss.

Notify us

Notify us of your interest in listing on Cboe via phone or e-mail

Issuer Services

Phone: +44 20 7012 8900


Complete Cboe's Application Form and Go live Checklist and submit it to Issuer Services via email.

Cboe UK

When pursuing a new primary listing in London you will need to complete the UKLA's "Application for Admission of Securities to the Official List". For further information on the UKLA’s listing applications process please visit:

Where you have already admitted your listing to UKLA, you must contact UKLA to have Cboe added as “Trading venue”.

Cboe NL

For any EEA listings, you are required to submit your prospectus to the AFM for approval or passport your EEA approved prospectus into the AFM.

Receive Approval

Once your application items have been submitted, Compliance will review and when approved Issuer Services will communicate this by e-mail. At this point we will continue to work with you to ensure our listing of your fund meets your requirements. Approval is at the sole discretion of Cboe.

Symbol and Reference Data Files

It is common practice among ETF issuers to list the same ETF on multiple exchanges across Europe and often in the same currency. At present each exchange listing settles through the national exchange’s central counterparty in the domestic settlement depository. As such, each listed line has a unique reference code and static data that specifies, inter alia, the settlement location.

In order to minimise the impact on our customers, and the market as a whole, Cboe will adopt the following approach:

  • Where Cboe lists an ETF that is also listed on another European exchange it will use that ETFs Uniform Symbology code (UMTF) and the exchange’s unique country code identifier to designate the relationship between the two listings. As an example, if "ABCD" ETF is listed on the London Stock Exchange it will carry the LSE’s exchange identifier code of "l" and the ETF’s UMTF code will be ABCDl. By using the same symbol we preserve the fully fungible nature of the two listed instruments and ensure that our Smart Order Router and that of our customers can continue unaffected. In addition, our static data file for the security will carry information that allows participants to identify the security as "listed" on Cboe and stipulate the Central Securities Depositary (CSD) for the ETF.
  • Where Cboe lists an ETF, or a line in an ETF, that is not also listed on another European exchange, we will identify this unique ETF with its own UMTF symbol and use our own exchange identifier code of "x". The settlement location of the ETF can then be ascertained through the value in the CSD column in our static data file.

In order to support the above requirements, Cboe has amended its Reference Data file format to carry the additional security related information required.

For further information on Uniform Symbology please refer to

Further information on trade reporting and settlement can be found here