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Cboe BIDS Japan: Connected Brokers

Cboe BIDS Japan provides buy-side and sell-side users with a source of deep, secure liquidity, and gives users the opportunity to deepen their institutional relationships.

Today, there are approximately 100 sell-side brokers connected to BIDS globally and the number continues to grow with our expansion into other markets.

Buy-Side Users (Sponsored Users) will be able to access Cboe BIDS Japan through the BIDS Trader front-end, which integrates with their EMS/OMS when it goes live. Sponsored Users choose Sponsoring Participants or Introducing Brokers to execute transactions through, thereby strengthening sell-side relationships through commission and market share allocation.

How brokers are connected to the Service:

Cboe BIDS Japan Connected Brokers Direct BIDS Participant 1 Sponsoring Participant 2 Introducing Broker 3
BNP Paribas Yes TBC N/A
Jefferies Yes TBC N/A
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanely Yes TBC N/A
Morgan Stanley MUFG Yes TBC N/A
Okasan Yes TBC N/A

Note: This table will be updated as more firms offer or commit to offer these services. Correct as at 18 January 2024.

1Direct BIDS Participant: A Cboe Japan market Participant who is using the Service to submit conditional and/or firm orders and receive corresponding trades in their own name.

2Sponsoring Participant: A participant that has an arrangement with a sponsored user or introducing broker to offer execution and clearing services in relation to Cboe BIDS Japan.

3Introducing Broker: A broker-dealer that has an arrangement with a non-Japan sponsored user and an arrangement with a Japan-registered sponsoring participant in relation to Cboe BIDS Japan.

Please contact Cboe BIDS Japan team with any enquiries.