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Buy-side: How to Sign Up for Cboe BIDS Japan

Cboe BIDS Japan offers a streamlined onboarding process for a buy-side user or firm.

Step 1: Nominate Sponsoring Participant/Introducing Broker

As a buy-side firm, you will need to nominate, establish, and maintain a relationship with at least one broker to act as Sponsoring Participant or Introducing Broker for your trades in Cboe BIDS Japan. See Cboe BIDS Japan: Connected Brokers for participating brokers.

Note: U.S. based buy-side firms must contact BIDS directly to discuss requirements for trading Japanese equities: [email protected]

Step 2: Cboe BIDS Japan Documentation

To access Cboe BIDS Japan as a buy-side user or firm, there is no requirement to sign a legal agreement with Cboe. We will send you a one-way Welcome Letter which describes how sponsored access in Cboe BIDS Japan works and the basis on which you may use the service.

Step 3: Connectivity

Speak to Cboe BIDS Japan or your OMS/EMS provider(s) to confirm the connectivity options. We will require a technical contact from your firm to assist with OMS/EMS integration with BIDS Trader, a software we provide.

Additional Resources

The following documents are available in the Cboe Japan Equities Market Guide.

After we have received all necessary information from the buy-side firm and their nominated Sponsoring Participant(s) and, if applicable, Introducing Broker(s) have established risk limits, the buy-side firm can start submitting indications of liquidity into BIDS via BIDS Trader.

Please contact Cboe BIDS Japan with any enquiries during the application process.