The Options Institute Research Grant Program

Apply for the 2024 Grant Program now!

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View application eligibility guidelines & timeline

Application Eligibility

Interested in applying? Please keep these Program guidelines in mind.


Applicant must be a faculty member or student of a qualifying, accredited educational institution.


Applicant must have an established record of relevant experience and ability to complete the research project as proposed.


Applicant must not be a then-current Program recipient as of the time of application submission.


Applicant acknowledges that the Grant is conditioned on the Program commitments, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Monthly 30-60—minute meetings with assigned OI Grant Review Committee member to discuss research progress.
  • Completion of proposed research project using Cboe historical data sets (within agreed upon timeframe).
  • Delivery of white paper to Cboe and grant of usage rights provided for in the Research Grant Agreement.
  • Participation in 1-2 OI webinars to discuss research, progress, and/or results.
  • Possible attendance (virtual or in-person) and research presentation at Cboe's Risk Management Conference.
  • Engagement in communications and inquiries related to the research with OI and other parties.


The OI's provision of Cboe historical data sets is subject to applicable policies and regulatory approval.


All awards are contingent upon the acceptance of the Research Grant Agreement.



Call for Submissions:

December 4, 2023 through January 15, 2024

Committee Deliberation & Applicant Interviews:

January 16 through February 16, 2024

Grant Recipients Announced:

March 11, 2024

Recipient Orientation & Research Kick-Off:

Week of April 1, 2024

All candidates will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of their completed application package. Depending on eligibility, application materials, and Committee approvals, The OI will reach out to candidates to schedule interviews.

Illustration of a grant program director

Why a Grant Program

The Options Institute is committed to its vision of Increasing Investor IQ. There's no better way to do this than by supporting research that catalyzes the understanding and adoption of derivatives products.

The OI Research Grant Program awards grant recipients access to Cboe historical data sets to supercharge their research efforts.


Sponsored Grants

For the 2024 Program cycle, The Options Institute is excited to present two sponsored research grants. Provided by our esteemed partners S&P Dow Jones Indices and SpiderRock Advisors, these grants will fund research in the areas of Fixed Income Index Ecosystem and Derivatives Solutions for Private Wealth and Institutional Investors, respectively. Applicants interested in these areas should indicate so in their application.

Sponsor S&P Dow Jones Indices

The Options Institute S&P Dow Jones Indices Fixed Income Index Ecosystem Research Grant

Sponsored by S&P Dow Jones Indices, this grant promotes Fixed Income Index Ecosystem research and awards recipients with up to $35k worth of data.

Sponsor SRA

The Options Institute SpiderRock Advisors Derivatives Solutions for Private Wealth and Institutional Investors Research Grant

Sponsored by SpiderRock Advisors, this grant promotes Derivatives Solutions for Private Wealth and Institutional Investors research and awards recipients with up to $35k worth of data.

Awarded research proposals fall into at least one of the following grant-eligible topics:

  • Derivatives Products & Performance
  • Operations & Risk Management
  • Market Performance
  • Decision Theory
Illustration grant recipient

2024 Grant Recipients

Explore Previous Grant Research