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A Focus on Quality Markets

Through our four U.S. equities exchanges – BZX, BYX, EDGX, EDGA – Cboe offers four unique pools of liquidity, providing customers choice when executing their trading strategies. We’re focused on powering the potential of our customers and achieve this mission by focusing on providing:

Deep Liquid Markets

In the U.S. and in Europe, our deep, liquid markets provide customers with the liquidity needed to execute their trading strategies efficiently and effectively. Our markets are leaders in order execution quality. Additionally, each of our markets has a diverse membership base, creating a unique ecosystem, which is essential to maintaining a healthy, quality marketplace.

Innovative Tools to Manage Risk

Cboe offers customers a suite of risk management tools designed to mitigate risk for customers, allowing us to keep markets safer. We believe that a multi-layered approach to risk management, with various risk checks in place both at the customer and exchange level through the life of an order, is fundamental to ensuring markets remain resilient.

Great Technology Backed by Great People

Today’s markets are fully electronic, but it’s the people behind the technology that truly matter. Our people, with a strong focus on our customers, have set Cboe apart from the competition since our launch in 2005. Our team of market and technology professionals created and oversees our markets, which have a history of being some of the most resilient and reliable in the global exchange industry. We’ve built our reputation on building world-class technology that delivers results and a team that provides best-in-class customer service.

World-Class Market Surveillance & Supervision

In the U.S., the Cboe markets are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Cboe is also a self-regulatory organization (SRO), and we adhere to the highest principles to operate fair and orderly markets.
