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Cboe Global Markets Monthly Trading Statistics

Details monthly trading activity for Cboe Global Markets, including trading data and market share by business line, average daily volume in select index products, and revenue per contract (RPC)/revenue capture, which is based on a three-month rolling average and is reported on a one-month lag across business lines. Activity is reported each month, usually on the third business day after month end. Also available is a supplemental report that details monthly electronic trading statistics for Cboe Options Exchange.

Monthly statistics include an overview of the following:

Options Futures North American Equities European Equities Global FX
  • BZX Options
  • Cboe Options
  • C2 Options
  • EDGX Options

U.S. Equities - Exchange:

  • BZX Equities
  • BYX Equities
  • EDGA Equities
  • EDGX Equities

U.S. Equities - Off Exchange:

  • BIDS Trading

Canadian Equities - Off Exchange:

  • MATCHNow
  • Cboe Europe Equities
  • EuroCCP
Cboe FX Markets
monthly volume rpc 2017-020217
February 2, 2017
2017 Monthly Volume & RPC Report
Monthly Volume RPC 2016-120216
December 31, 2016
2016 Monthly Volume & RPC Report